What is the ideal global architecture of the global economy and
political system? How would the economy be reconstructed in
such a way that the global ecosystem could survive and support a
thriving economy?
What would be the appropriate global political structure?
These are very complex questions, but unless they are articulated,
neoliberal philosophy will continue to dominate intellectually, by
Perhaps the reader is not familiar with the American reality TV
shows entitled “Extreme Makeover” and, more recently, “Extreme
Makeover, Home Edition”. The first series detailed a ghoulish set of
extensive facial plastic surgery procedures, inevitably turning an
ugly duckling into – well, something a little more palatable to the
TV audience. The second series involves sending a family away from
their run-down, or in the case of a show in New Orleans, devastated
dwelling, only to come back a week or two later to every person’s
dream home, the kind of thing that every American should be able to
afford on their own, if it weren’t for the savaging of the middle

It has always been TV’s forte to sell unattainable dreams,
whether within the TV show proper or via commercials. The
philosophical advantage of the “Extreme Makeover” series is that it
allows the viewer to see what ideally can be done with the structure
(let’s focus on the house), without worrying about how to get from
here to there. In the case of the house, the owners are not burdened
with figuring out how to finance the reconstruction, or who to turn
to for plans, or how to do the actual construction, although the
audience can see the latter taking place.
When thinking about global problems, it may useful to undergo a
similar exercise. As readers of sandersresearch.com, and this
series, “Taking the Long View”, are only too aware, the forces
stacked against the people and ecosystems of the planet are immense.
However, the crises affecting the planet are also immense; for a
fine visual presentation of the problem of global warming, for
instance, one can presently do no better than to see Al Gore’s
movie, “An Inconvenient Truth”. Therefore, it might just be the time
to have the “unmitigated audacity”, to use a phrase of Frank
Zappa’s, to consider how the world could be put together in a better
What is the ideal global architecture of the global economy and
political system? How would the economy be reconstructed in such a
way that the global ecosystem could survive and support a thriving
economy? What would be the appropriate global political structure?
These are very complex questions, but unless they are articulated,
neoliberal philosophy will continue to dominate intellectually, by
Neoimperial dreams
The neoliberal, or neocon—let’s just call it neo-imperial
philosophy—is constructed in order to justify the actions of the
richest and most powerful. The main “scientific” underpinning of
this ideological framework is neoclassical economics. The basic
political goal of neo-imperialism is to eliminate government
intervention in the economy—that is, intervention on behalf of the
society as a whole. However, as has become evident in the Bush
Administration, the neo-imperial ideal is to turn the government
into a reverse Robin Hood institution, and to institutionalize
corruption by taking money from the middle classes via taxes and
shoveling it into the coffers of friendly corporations, via
contracts, as most famously for the Vice President’s firm,
The reason to call this ideology “neo-imperial” is because the
part of the ideology that appeals, not to reason, but to the
reptilian part of the brain, is the emphasis on militarism. In a
strange way, the most sophisticated, or at least, totalitarian,
culmination of militarism is the suicide bomber, who will not just
risk his or her life, but will for certain lose his or her life,
just because his or her superior said so.

The more “normal” call to arms, of the kind that ensnared many
American soldiers in Iraq, has been perfected over the millennia to
appeal to emotions that the state has been experimenting with during
the course of recorded history. It is different only in degree from
suicide bombing, because killing or being killed are highly immoral
and against one’s self-interest, respectively.
The ultimate goal of,
(1) destroying government except as a process
of stealing from the less powerful and giving to the most
powerful, and
(2) using government to create a militaristic
seems to be the establishment of a global elite that can use the
nation-state’s military apparatus to enforce its will. There is an
inherent contradiction in this program, however, because the
military assets are still national while the elite attempt to create
a global, non-national economy that they control.
Of course, people have been trying to take over the whole planet
since at least Genghis Khan,

who thought that world domination was the task to which he had
been born. But up until now, the idea has been to achieve this
domination by using the vehicle of the nation-state. To create a
global, transnational elite who could agree to rule together – a
global oligarchy – sounds like too great a task for the huge egos
A global elite, backed up by a predominantly American military,
will not only be a difficult process of cooperation, it will also
drive both human society and the global ecosystem toward collapse.
The Bush Administration and the oil and coal industries are almost
indistinguishable, and they will certainly not do anything to avoid
global meltdown, either in the atmosphere or within the agricultural
and water systems of the planet, as discussed by Lester Brown in his
books, particularly Plan B 2.0. [1]
What is quite perplexing is that the other power centers of the
planet are not prepared to play hardball to make the Americans do
anything about global warming. As can be seen in “Inconvenient
Truth”, Shanghai and Calcutta would virtually disappear if sea level
rose by 20 feet, which would happen if either Greenland melted, the
West Antarctic Shelf melted, or some partial combination of the two.
The often-muzzled top U.S. climate scientist, James Hansen, believes
that the rise in sea levels caused by the melting of huge ice
formations is the most important potential problem caused by global
warming, and will kick in if the Earth’s temperature increases by
only one more degree Centigrade (he is less pessimistic about the
chances of changing economic activity to avoid more warming).[2]
Apparently lower Manhattan
would be lost as well – maybe the geniuses on Wall Street figure
they can relocate to Midtown along with Morgan Stanley?
The Europeans, who claim to be more “green” then the Americans,
generate almost as much greenhouse gases as the Americans (27% vs.
30%, according to Gore’s film), and just endured a horrendous heat
spell that killed thousands of people. Et tu, Europe? And what about
the possibility, as Al Gore clearly shows, that a melting of
Greenland would induce a European Ice Age of, oh, maybe 1000 years?
Perhaps the elites of other regions are too busy enjoying their
power to care about this sort of thing, a process partially explored
by many historians, and most recently by Jared Diamond in his book
“Collapse ”.[3]
Faced with overwhelming problems, Al Gore is concerned that
people flip from denial of global warming to resigned depression,
from thinking that nothing needs to be done to thinking that nothing
can be done. The problem, I think, is that humans think in terms of
holistic images, what psychologists call a “gestalt”. Gore’s
conundrum can be explained in terms of gestalts:
before some people hear about global warming, they hold within
their heads the image of a basically well-functioning planet;
after they understand global warming, they can only envision
the image of a planet becoming unlivable.
What they need is the image of an alternative economic system,
one that is different than today’s and one that is survivable.

The Bush Administration would like to replace the average
American’s image of the U.S. political system from one involving the
Constitution and fuzzy images of the Founding Fathers to the image
of the snarling Dick Cheney, a police state, and the smoking remains
of the World Trade Center.
There is another vision being foisted on the public, the image of
globalization, the full victory of which would be the end goal of
neoclassical economics. The average citizen is supposed to think
that the world is completely uncontrollable, that his or her job is
at the whim of inscrutable Chinese; that his or her physical safety
is at the mercy of mysterious Muslims; and that his or her freedoms
must be, or in any case are being, taken away by a militaristic
The Importance of being continental
The first task of a global extreme makeover is to construct an
alternative image of how the world now looks and how it can look in
the future. Once this image has been created, the next task would be
to figure out how to get from here to there, obviously a gargantuan
The first basic element of a global gestalt is to understand that
economies are continental or subcontinental, not global. This means
that economies are not national, either, except when a country
encompasses an entire region, such as China. The continents have
been parked at particular points on the planet, at least in the time
span of human history, and the structure of the geography of the
continents has driven human history in the past and will do so in
the future.

It used to be a common theme of mainstream political science to
concentrate on the geographical determinants of international
relations.[4] More recently, the
biologist Jared Diamond wrote a book, Guns, Germs, and Steel
,[5] in which he attempted to answer
the question “Why did Eurasia dominate the rest of the world?”. My
interpretation of his answer is that the Eurasian land mass, because
of its size, generated more species than the continents of the
Americas or Australia, and two of those species were horses and
wheat. Horses in particular were good sources of power for
production and also filled the functional niche that would later be
filled by tanks, that is, fast, intimidating, and powerful pieces of
military equipment that overwhelmed societies that lacked horses,
such as the Incas. Africa lost out to Eurasia because zebras, the
equine species native to Africa, are too intelligent to be lassoed,
and in any case the tsetse fly and other tropical diseases made
massive agricultural complexes impossible.
Predating Jared Diamond’s enquiry have been the activities of
historians attempting to answer the question, “Why not China?”.[6]
That is, China was
clearly in a position to dominate most of Eurasia by around 1300 to
1400, but instead Europe filled that role. The answer seems to have
something to do with proximity to the militarily-sophisticated
peoples of the Eurasian steppes, whose rule over China provoked an
isolationist backlash when the Mongolian overlords were expelled. On
the other hand, Europe was too far away from the Steppes to attract
Mongolian attention, and when the Mongols did once make their way
almost to Germany, the Great Kahn(leader) of the Mongols died and
the invading Mongols had to go back to pick a new leader, never to
return. In addition, the Mongols colonized India, and with the
Turks, who also came from the Steppes, subjugated the Middle East,
leaving Europe as the only center of independent activity.
Thus, it is that the luck of the geologic and sometimes
historical dice has led to various societies thriving and others
being torn apart. Britain and Japan happen to be islands, which
helped repel invaders, but they were close enough to power centers
to learn from and eventually dominate them. Geography does not
determine history, a conceit often associated with the older
scholars of geography-based international relations, but it
certainly is important.
The existence of container cargo ships, airplanes, and fiber
optics does not decrease the importance of geography. The important
question to answer about a particular geographic area is, is it easy
to get from one place to another within the specific region? If it
is, then goods and people can move easily within the area. This
makes trade easier, but it also makes production easier,
technological change greater, and the adoption of technological
change quicker.
Engineers, the industrial social butterflies
When people can move within a geographic space with ease, they
can examine other people’s ways of producing things with ease as
well. I suggested earlier that people think in images, and
holistically. The same applies to engineers, who are, after all,
people, and who profit greatly from visiting other engineers and
experiencing the operations of machinery first-hand.[7]
It’s one thing to read
a description of how a machine works, and quite another to look at
it, three-dimensionally, and to be able to interact with the
machinery and note how it behaves as the environment of the
machinery changes.
An example of this interaction was noted long ago by the economic
historian Nathan Rosenberg.[8]

Rosenberg traced the way that innovations in machine tools, and
the industrial machinery that machine tools produce, influence each
other. By the mid-nineteenth century, machine tools were making
possible the first great explosion of American industrial know-how,
agricultural equipment. The mechanization of agriculture led the
U.S. to become one of the great agricultural exporters of the world,
as it is to this day. The interaction of the machine tool makers
with the agricultural machinery makers, furthermore, led to
improvements in machine tools as well. These improvements then made
possible the next wave of industrial innovation, sewing machines,
whose construction led to more advances in machine tool design,
until by the late nineteenth century, machine tools were powerful
and precise enough to lead to the development of the bicycle. Many
of these bicycle makers went on to become automobile makers,
including one Henry Ford. By the time production methods for
bicycles had been seriously improved, the machine tools were
available that would make possible the great boom in automobile
making…which would lead to global warming, but that’s another
Thus, because of the close proximity among the machinery makers
and their customers, as well as between the goods providers and
consumers, technological innovation was greater and quicker to
spread throughout society. As I have written previously, the
production of goods and services requires a complex assemblage of
manufacturing industries, including the production of industrial
and this production also
requires a sophisticated physical infrastructure of transportation,
energy, communications, and water networks.[10]
The U.S. had a great
advantage in the 19th and 20th centuries, because it encompassed a
continent-wide economic space with an excellent infrastructure and
complete suite of manufacturing industries, governed by the same
state and using the same rules. The great railroad-making ventures
insured that goods and people could travel around the country with
relatively little effort.
Can we get no satisfaction?
The other major geographic spaces around the world are also easy
to crisscross. China’s coast, where the vast majority of Chinese
live, is connected by sea and by an elaborate series of canals and
rivers. The northern part of India is an easily traversable plain,
and most of the population lives in one belt in the north. The Alps
are the main impediment to travel across an otherwise flat Europe,
and this ease of movement has always tempted would-be emperors, from
Charlemagne to Charles to Napoleon to Hitler. Central Eurasia, known
most recently as the Soviet Union, has been prone to consolidation
since the Mongols, and also vulnerable to invasion because it is
easy to traverse.

The Middle East, as well, has been washed over by conquerors,
from Hammurabi to Alexander, from the Ottoman Turks to the
Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld neo-imperialists, but this ease of conquest
also made possible the founding and flowering of civilization.
Empire makers often stop at the boundaries of these more easily
administered regions. The German historian Dehio argued that some
Powers, such as the Chinese, were “satisfied”, that they did not
want to extend past their boundaries because their polities were a
“natural” unit.[11]
The Ottoman Turks
settled into the administration of North Africa and the Middle East;
going further afield involved crossing barriers such as the Black
Sea and mountain chains. The political scientist David Calleo argued
that part of the “German problem”, as the tendency to start world
wars was termed, arose from the natural desire of European, and
particular, German rulers to reason that the whole of Europe
represented a logical unit, and that even as strong a country as
Germany was somehow too small.[12] When Hitler and Napoleon
managed to take over continental Europe, they impaled their empires
by taking on another natural unit, the Russian Empire.
World history, and the history of the global economy, is
understandable in terms of geographically logical units that are
defined by the geography of continents or subcontinents. If the
continents were set up differently, there would be a different logic
of world history. To risk a little abstraction, structure does not
determine action, but it constrains some actions and enables others.
The structure of the continents leads to various natural economic
regions, and has enabled some regions to dominate others.
This Old House
This first task of Extreme Makeover, Global Edition, therefore,
involves trying to determine what regions make natural economic
units. This project is wrought with all kinds of dangers, because
many of the world’s hot spots are exactly between countries that are
within a natural economic unit and are fighting for control. For
instance, I would argue that Israel is part of a natural unit
encompassing the Middle East. Pakistan and India should probably be
part of the same unit. The problem is not to worry about potential
problems, at this point, but to construct the image of a logical
global system. At the risk of offending national sensibilities at
this point, let me propose the following regions.[13]
For the Northern Americas, I include North and Central America
and the Caribbean. For North East Asia, I used Japan, the Koreas,
and Taiwan; for the Indian subcontinent, Pakistan, Sri Lanka,
Bangladesh, and India. SE Asia is everything else in Asia,
Australia, New Zealand, and Oceania; Europe includes all of
Non-Soviet Europe plus the Baltic states; and my strangest grouping
is Middle Eurasia, which encompasses the former Soviet Union, plus
Turkey and the Middle East. In the next article I will go into
greater detail concerning these units, but there are a few items
that are immediately evident in the table.
First, the Northern Americas and Europe have virtually the same
percentage of the world’s GDP, and very similar percentages of world
population as well as per capita income. Keep in mind that I have
included such widely disparate states as Haiti and the U.S. in the
Northern Americas, while Europe includes Albania and Luxembourg.
Second, there seems to be a tripartite division of the world at the
moment, from rich, to lower middle class, to poor, as shown in the
following table:
The “Rich” are the Northern Americas, Europe, and NE Asia. With
not even one fifth of the world’s population, they generate four
fifths of the world’s economic activity. The next group is in the
middle; but with a per capita income of about 1/9th of the Rich,
they are certainly lower middle. These include the three regions of
Middle Eurasia, SE Asia, and South America. Finally, there are the
three large, poor, populous regions of the planet, with about 1
billion people each, China, India, and the disunited Africa. While
China has eliminated much of its most brutal poverty, it still has a
long way to go (I will discuss varying estimates of its wealth in
the following article). With over half the world’s population, this
group does not even generate 1/10th of its annual production of
wealth. The per capita income of its 3.7 billion people is about
$1,000, which is 1/3rd of the lower middle class and about 4% of the
The lower 80% of the world population, and the part of the Rich
20% that are poor, obviously should have a higher standard of
living. To do so with today’s global fossil-fuel-industrial complex
might lead to a global warming like the one that destroyed 95% of
the world’s species 250 million years ago in the Permian
At the same time, the
global elite seem intent on pushing most of the people in the Rich
regions down into the lower-middle class, if not into global
What is to be done? Can humanity be saved? Can the planet be
saved? Tune in next time, as we witness another episode of….Extreme
Makeover, Global Edition!
You can contact Jon Rynn directly on his jonrynn.blogspot.com .
You can also find old blog entries and longer articles at
economicreconstruction.com. Please feel free to reach him at
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[1] Lester R. Brown,
“Plan B 2.0: Rescuing a planet under stress and a civilization in
trouble”, 2006, W.W. Norton. See also Chris Sanders, “The
World in Depression ?”
[2] http://pubs.giss.nasa.gov/docs/2003/2003_Hansen.pdf
[3] Jared Diamond,
Collapse: How societies choose to fail or succeed ,
[4] For example, the
geopolitical scientist, Nicholas
Spykman, which includes a discussion of Mackinder as well.
[5] Jared Diamond,
Guns, Germs, and Steel: The fates of human societies ,
[6] See, most
recently, the eminent but fairly conservative economic historian, David
Landes .
[7] Eugene Ferguson,
Engineering and the Mind’s Eye , 1994.
[8] Nathan Rosenberg,
“Technological Change in the Machine Tool Industry,
Journal of Economic History , December 1963, reprinted in
Nathan Rosenberg, Perspectives on Technology, 1976.
[9] “Before
the Economy Hits the Fan: Why we need a new progressive
agenda”, and
Rise and Decline of the Great American Corporation ”.
[10] “Say
Dubai to the American Economy ”.
[11] Ludwig Dehio,
The Precarious Balance: Four centuries of the European power
struggle , 1965.
[12] David Calleo,
The German Problem Reconsidered: Germany and the world order,
1870 to the present , 1980
[13] The data on which
the following tables is based has been compiled in a spreadsheet
where the countries for each region are listed, along with GDP,
population, and world percentages. These data in turn are based, for
the most part, on UN Data. Sources: the population data for
2005; and the economic data ,
“GDP breakdown at current prices in US Dollars (All countries)”,
[14] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permian-Triassic_extinction_event%20